Profhilo & Skin Boosters Treatment

Profhilo Treatment

Profhilo – youth molecule, biostimulator Profhilo is a rejuvenating treatment that is a new model in the treatment of skin and subcutaneous tissue aging.

The hyaluronic acid contained in Profhilo is used to model flabby skin and restore the disturbed contour of the face. The Profhilo treatment was awarded a golden statuette for the best skin strengthening treatment.

Profhilo is a mixture of light and heavy chains of hyaluronic acid, thanks to which it strongly rejuvenates and regenerates the skin. In a gentle, natural and gradual way, it stimulates skin reconstruction, i.e. bioremodeling.

Profhilo is therefore not only a filler, but above all a tissue stimulator, generating natural skin regeneration processes.

The treatment rejuvenates, tightens and moisturizes the skin, restores the contour of the face, improves the quality and smoothes the skin of the neck, hands and arms. As a filler, it allows you to restore volume – so we use it for face volumetry and facial skin bioregeneration.

Most often, patients undergo a treatment with 2 syringes covering the face and neck – it gives a very clear improvement in the quality of the skin with minimal invasiveness and without convalescence.

The so-called lunch – after the treatment you can go back to work.

Profhilo indications:

Flabby skin, wrinkles sloping face oval lost facial contour sagging skin around the face, neck, shoulders, backs of hands, elbows, knees, and cleavage;

Profhilo body flabby skin on the abdomen flabby skin of the arms, knees and elbows The purpose of treatments with PROFHILO  is: strengthening and thickening of the skin, improvement of facial features, restoration of skin tension, emphasizing the jaw line, neck lifting.

Treatment - Contraindications

Profhilo Effects

The effects are visible after the first treatment. The slowly releasing youth molecule acts like a million springs, restoring the lost contour and improving facial features. The preparation minimizes hamsters, restores skin elasticity and tension.

The effect is long-lasting and visible all over the face. The skin is taut and visibly refreshed and revitalized. At the same time, the effect is very natural. No convalescence – you can return to your life activities immediately after the treatment. The procedure takes 10 minutes and is painless and requires no special preparation.

How many Profhilo treatments should be performed and at what intervals? The conducted research and the opinions of patients show that 2 treatments performed one month apart are sufficient. It is worth doing this series twice a year.

Already after the first treatment, we observe the effect of filling and firming, while after the second treatment, the preparation has an anti-wrinkle effect and improves the firmness of the facial skin. How long do the effects of the treatment last?

The effects of the treatment last from 1 to 1.5 years. In order to maintain the effects, it is recommended to perform the so-called reminding treatments. Does Profhilo change facial features?

PROFHILO is a multi-level, dynamic tissue remodeling, which, unlike volumetric fillers (cross-linked hyaluronic acid), does not change the features and does not increase the volume of facial tissues, but most importantly, it immediately gives the skin elasticity, smoothes and lifts, slenderizing facial features.

Treatments Available:

Before & After
